
Zhao Huanchen, Chairman of Daiyin Group

       Eye on the world, the economy situation ischanging every second.With base on the globe and view on the world, Daiyin is sparaingno efforts for speeding up in branding, internationalizing and publicizing; forrealizing the globalization of production factors; for creating a mightytextile and garment enterprise that can keep up with the times.

       Based in modern textile industry andoriented with apparel, Daiyin sets the goal of a “Centrury Enterprise”.Focusing on technology innovation and brandcultivation, the group endeavors to accelerate in forstering core products,coretechnology and core capability; to make Daiyin a well-known brand at home andabroad; and to raise Renoir as a first-class apparel brand around the world.Oreintedby the goal of “Daiyin tens ofbillions”“Centrury Daiyin”,to be a vital and trend-leading textile andapparel enterprise, Daiyin reinforces in international business management by achievingglobal purchase, global design, global production and global sales;innovatingin management machanism, talent team construction and forcuster enterpriseculture and sustainable competitive power as well. 

       Daiyinese neverstops uphill climb and gestures of pursuit,open, adopt and unrestrain.Facedwith the new chances and challenges, Daiyinese is moving forward bravely andindomitably; releasing dreams and realizing new leap and development along thenew Silk Road.